Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tech Related Twitter Accounts to Follow

twitter bird
Scouring your Facebook news feeds and Google Reader blog lists can be overwhelming when you’re looking for the latest and greatest in technology news. If you’re looking for quick quips from the tech world then you should look no farther than these Twitter accounts. Following these tweets will direct you to the most pertinent technology-related information on the web, all in 140 characters or less.
1. @ForbesTech
It’s hard to go wrong with anything related to Forbes, and the @ForbesTech Twitter feed is no different. Stocked with anything and everything you need to know about technology this Twitter feed leaves nothing to be desired from a technology information standpoint.
2. @GreenTechNews
If you regularly read CNET’s Green Tech News blog then you’ll love the @GreenTechNews Twitter feed. Here you’ll be able to find links to all of the latest in green technology in one easy to access space, making it a cinch to pick and choose which articles most appeal to you.
3. @TechCrunch
All of the news from your favorite technology-centered website can be found in shorthand form on the @TechCrunch Twitter. The 2+ million followers can also find the very opinionated views of TechCrunch writers that have made the website such a bombshell within these 140 character or less tweets. It’s the best of the best at the @TechCrunch Twitter.
4. @PulsePad
This Twitter feed loving refers to itself as “the best way to read your favorite news”, and does an excellent job of keeping followers abreast of breaking technological news. They also readily respond to followers, giving a personal appeal that doesn’t often come from a Twitter feed with such a large following.
5. @Wired
Longtime fans of Wired can now find all of their favorite news one concise place with the Wired Twitter feed. Boasting nearly 1.4 million followers and offering a wide variety of news from around the globe, @Wired keeps you current and up to speed on a daily basis with the latest and greatest in international technology.
Having all of the latest tech news at your fingertips has never been easier. Stay up to date with these different Twitter feeds to give you an edge on all of the latest tech-related information.

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