Thursday, July 5, 2012


Skype - a simple program with which you can make free calls to all corners of the world. Skype network is based on advanced P2P (peer-to-peer) technology.

Skype provides the highest privacy - all communication between clients is encrypted and can not be intercepted. And most importantly, Skype does not require reconfiguring your firewall or router - it just works! In addition, the program provides an opportunity to communicate using short text messages. Also in the program have the opportunity to carry out videkonferentsii. Built-in video support allows you to see the window with the image of the person or in the operating window of Skype, or in a separate window, and even in full screen mode.

Business version (with MSI-installer)
This is a business version of Skype.
It includes the same features as the regular version, but it is composed of the installer Windows (file. MSI), which simplifies the installation of Skype on a PC all of the company.
Includes installer Windows.
Simplified installation on multiple PCs in your office.
Enhanced management for system administrators.

Year: 2012
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: Ml

Download Skype

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