Thursday, July 5, 2012

Facebook and Google – Their Friendship

Partnership eh? – An Unlikely Myth
So it appears that Facebook and Google are probably not going to ever see eye to eye, Thus Facebook  and Google intertwining together and coming up with new ideas like shaking hands is nothing short of an unlikely myth. The CEO of Google took quite a thrust at Facebook regarding “The Charlie Rose Show,” stating that Facebook is somewhat holding their user rather hostages when it comes down to data sharing. Data sharing has been an issue that has for a long time damaged relations between the two tech giants. The rivalry makes no sense to Google who technically should be more concerned about the situations with android as multiple android spy software and mobile phone spy apps that are making the rounds.
Data Sharing – A Colossal Quandary
According to Google, when it comes to data sharing with Facebook it is definitely a one way street with them. Evidently Google used to let Facebook users import their Gmail contacts to Facebook if they wish to do so, but then in November 2010, the search giant legend ceased to share the supposed ‘mutual’ bond with Facebook and said it was more of a take all and give none situation with them. With the data theft and privacy issues that Google has been tackling with spy software for android the data sharing idea is not one that sits well with many.
Google said in a recent interview that it is quite normal for an ordinary user on Facebook to be able to get their Gmail contacts to Facebook; upon commenting on the issue, Google said that they were always fine with doing so, nonetheless the quandary they faced was that they couldn’t get the same response from the other party involved. Google just said then that they were desirous to work with a more co-operating party and said that they still are expectant the same kind of courtesy.
Google’s CEO – Personal Thoughts About The Matter
Google CEO was also encrusted about what he thought regarding Facebook’s position on the little tragic ordeal. He said he was quite optimistic and hopeful about it, but said he would imagine that they would soon come to a positive conclusion, otherwise it may very well might not work in their favor as far as their users are concerned. They may claim it to be a privacy issue, but it is not in actuality; for they already do it with Yahoo, so it does not really add up. In the least, the CEO of Google said it is rather important that users in United State could at least upload their data freely and vice versa.

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